Profile PictureShep Shep

Bean Shoes for Rexouium and Canis Woof

21 ratings
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Bean Shoes for Rexouium and Canis Woof

21 ratings

3D Model of virtual reality optimized Shoes.

The shoes come with a variant for the Rexouium and the Canis Woof.
Booth versions have blend shapes / shape keys to match the body shape.
3 Skins with Substance files are included.

Blender, Substance files and Unity package is included.

How to Use:

  • Make sure you are using Creator Companion and preferably the latest VRCFury module.
    Link to the website:
    Instructions can be found there.
  • Import the Unity package and either import the scene or prefab into you hierarchy.
  • Parent the shoes onto the avatar root and create the VRCFury Components Armature Link and BlendShape Link on the root slot of the shoes.

    For the Armature link drag the Hip from the Shoes into the Link From field.
    For the BlendShape Link type in body into the Name of skinned mesh on the avatar
    and drag the Shoes slot into the Skinned meshes to link field.
  • Change the material to your liking.
  • If you want to have the shoes not clip into the floor, you need to move the hip bone inside the Rig editing space of the Canis/Rex prefab. The hip bone needs to be moved up by the thickness of the sole. (If you need help with that step contact us on the Discord)
  • We recommend putting the toes in blend shapes to 50 (0.5 for Resonite).
  • Upload your Avatar.

If you have trouble, or run into issues just join
our Discord:

Pictures might differ from the Product.
When the toes are articulated individually they will clip into the mesh.
The Skateboard is not part of this product but can be bought separately at a later date.

Distributing and or reselling the Product is prohibited.

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A Pair of Cool Shoes!

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